How do I adjust my data retention policy?

Updated by keith

By default your account is setup to only retain data for 7 days. If you wish to adjust this period you will need to subscribe to a data rentention plan.

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Login and navigate to "Misc".
  3. In the "Data Retention" section, click "Want more storage?"
  4. Click "Add" next to the package you wish.
  5. Click "Confirm Purchase".
  6. Navigate back to "Misc" and "Data Retention".
  7. Adjust the sliders as you see fit.
  8. Upgrade your plan to the one that best suits you.

Upgrade Photo Storage Plan in Roar Picsaurus

Made by Neal Belovay with Scribe

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Misc"

3. Click "Want more storage?"

4. Select "1 Year Photo Storage"

5. Click "Add"

6. Confirm Purchase - your card on file will be billed.

You can also manage your data by following the instructions at:

We recommend leaving the sliders to their maximum amount. This enables features like birthday reminders, or revisit reminders.

How does each slider work?


Adjusts how long we retain guest contact / personal information. This includes details like name, email and phone number. After the period expires their details are removed from the system. Any links they have received will still work.

We use the "Estimated Date" of the guest's trip to determine if we should remove a guest or not.


Adjusts how long albums are kept. After the period expires an album is deleted and no longer accessible by staff or guests. Any links guests have received will no longer work.

We use the date of the album to determine if we should remove the album.

Photos / Videos

Adjusts when the photos themselves are deleted. After the period expires they will no longer be accessible by you or guests. This period must be set to be longer than "Albums".

We use the date the photo is "created" as a guide on when to remove it.

  • Guest set to 10 days, album set to 20 days, files to 30 days
    • After 10 days:
      • Guest info on our servers is deleted. Any emails they received still work. They can still access their gallery.
    • After 20 days:
      • The album is set to deleted. It is removed from phones, and the guest’s link no longer works
      • Files are still accessible by you in the “gallery” section.
    • After 30 days:
      • The files are deleted. They are no longer accessible by anyone.

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