How can I track upload progress?
Photos and videos are uploaded as soon as they can be. If you have disabled upload over data, or use background uploading, the upload may be delayed.
You can easily see a list of files waiting to upload by following these steps:
1. Tap on the upload counter on the Gallery on the bottom right
2. Tap on the cloud icon to view the upload queue
3. Uploads are grouped by album. In the image below they are in the "Example tour at 3pm".
Each file item shows the name of the file, its upload status, the date it was enqueued to upload, and its total file size. Larger files will take longer to upload.
4. As uploads progress their progress circle will fill up. Each file has its own progress circle
5. Once uploads are complete they will disappear.
Uploads might show a grey progress bar while it is uploaded and being processed by our servers.
Any errors uploading a file will show itself under the image heading.
Having upload issues?
Be sure to check the upload queue above. Any errors will show below the files themselves. Take a screenshot and share with us.
Be sure to check your cell phone signal strength if uploading over data. Battery level is also important.
When using background uploading on iOS, you may see a delay in the upload starting. This is because iOS controls when the files upload and may wait for stronger connections.
Alternatively you can toggle background uploading off in the settings, and then revisit the upload status page. That will start uploading even on poor connections, though it does require you keep your screen on, the app open.