How do I customize my watermark?

Updated by keith

On the bottom right of each photo, in a guest's gallery, is a watermark of your logo. This ensures that when guests share, your branding gets out there.

You can change or edit this logo by navigating to:

  1. Your Account Portal:
  2. Then click on the "Site" you wish to edit
  3. Scroll to the logo section, and upload your new logo
  4. Hit save when done.

We use your uploaded logo directly, and do not modify it. It may be scaled to fit on top of a photo. It will also be made "more transparent" to not block any contents below it. We do not do any color exchanging or darkening of your logo when applying it as a watermark. We want guests to still see their content.

New photos will start showing with your new logo. It may take some time for older photos to expire in caches before they start showing the new logo.
Older videos will not be updated, only new videos will have your new watermark.

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